Impact assessments and strategic interventions

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Impact assessments and strategic interventions

Impact assessments assist relevant governmental agencies and companies in tackling human rights abuses and concerns resulting from business operations.

JAW supports the conduct of human rights impact assessment by analyzing international human rights laws and regulatory frameworks, engaging with stakeholders and experts, identifying relevant human rights issues for the company and its supply chains, and formulating actions to prevent or mitigate potential or actual negative impacts.

We facilitate the integration of human rights into broader compliance frameworks, such as current anti-corruption, bribery, and other compliance initiatives, focused on tackling ESG and human rights risk areas. We assist in developing systems and processes that are specifically aimed at addressing human rights risks while embedding them into larger international regulatory compliance practices, including due diligence activities.

We help develop methodologies for recognizing and tracking emerging risks, and assist in managing them. We also help set up grievance mechanisms and support victims and communities in pursuing redress or legal remedies.