Business and Human Rights

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Business and Human Rights

Business operations influence the livelihoods of millions worldwide. They can serve as a powerful driver of sustainable growth, offering access to social and economic opportunities and a path to success. However, the operations of businesses can also affect human rights, with the most vulnerable individuals frequently facing the greatest repercussions.

JAW adheres to and implements the 2011 UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) in its activities. We concentrate on providing technical guidance and capacity building for governmental bodies to improve the legal and regulatory framework and processes for preventing, investigating, penalizing, and addressing adverse human rights impacts or misconducts related to business operations, through a system where individuals can pursue redress via both legal and non-legal avenues.

Likewise, JAW partners with businesses and organizations to strengthen their shared responsibility for human rights and environmental protection, by helping them understand the connection between these overlapping laws and their negative human rights impacts, and to create necessary policies and procedures to tackle these issues.

JAW collaborates with affected individuals and communities to support remedial actions. This includes mapping current needs and issues and conducting impact assessments of companies regarding various human rights implications and sustainability standards, related to gender disparities, rights, governance, societal, and environmental issues, and providing recommendations with effective action strategies. Through these efforts, we deliver practical and time-bound recommendations with effective strategies for immediate and lasting solutions at all levels of decision-making, from policies to specific projects.